The facts about the creation and the hollowness of the theory of Evolution

There is a wide spread unscientific theory in the western world that the organisms of today have evolved from previous ancestors . The theory was proposed by darwin and readily accepted by the west. They theory of evolution states the first unicellular organisms evolved by chance factors.  From unicellular organsms multicellular organsims evolved. And similarly during the course of evolution human beings have evolved from monkey.  And theory in science proposed should be supported by proofs and evidence.  If sufficient evidence based on experiments prove that theory is correct , then it is accepted as a scientific fact.
     Western scientists have tried their level best searching and applying all possibilities to make a living cell, but they have failed to do so. With all the sophisticated instruments and modern technology and all possible efforts if the western scientists think tank cannot make a single living cell , then how one can believe that all these complicated living organsms and the balanced environment in which they , live came in to being just by share chance factors.  In the absence of scientific proofs and evidences all these theories of evolution are needed to be reconsidered. A person in a stable and proper state of mind can never accept such a baseless and unscientific uttering.
The question of how this universes originated , wher it leads to and how the laws are maintaining its order and balance has always been the topics of interest.  Many people have thought over the issue and have developed many hypotheses and theories . Once of the most popular theories is the theory of evolution.  According to the theory, inorganic molecules forward amino acids by chance , amino acids formed proteins by chance and finally proteins formed living organisms again by chance.   Consider for a while that if someone comes to you and tells that raw doil and coal  came together to form bricks by chance , which in turn construted a building by chance, what would you think of the mental state of that poor person? However the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the construction of a building being formed in the same manner , because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated thsn any man made structure in the would. One of the recent theory of evolution is the theory of intelligent design. Also refers to the facts regarding creation of universe living organsms.  According to this theory cretain features of the universe and of living organisms are best explained by an intelligent cause and not by and undirected process such as natural selection.
Therefore there should be a creator of the universe and an Owner of the balance visibly everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the vast universe. Who is that creator? That Almighty creator is one. He is Allah. He brought into existence everything and whose existence is without any beginning or end.


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