Apart from the nagative physical effects of drug use there are psychological and emotional effects that are equally as devastating. One of the areas that is almost universally damaged is a person's view of oneself, their self-esteem. Self-esteem virtually never rises when drug use is induced; it almost always sinks lower and lower. As a person's self-esteem decreases through drug use, the nagative feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness , shame and guilt increase. Drug addicts : a menace for society This is often due to the fact that a person realizes deep down that drug use is a destructive thing to be doing, yet they do it anyway. This sets up a contradiction between internal values and actual actions taken. One of the most destructive things that drug use does is it interferes with a person's ability to from caring and honest: relationships. It also tends to destroy relationships that currently exits. This is essentially due to th...
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