Important uses of drugs

a. Pain killers
Pain relievers are medicines that reduce or relieve headaches , sore muscles , arthritis or any number of other aches and pains. There are many different pain medicines , and each one has advantages and risks. Some types of pain respond better to certain medicines than other. Each person may also have a slightly different response to a pain reliver.
When part of your body is injured,  special nerve endings send pain messages back to your brain. Painkilling drugs interfere with these messages,  either at the site of the injury , in the spinal cord or in the brain itself. Many painkillers are based one of two naturally occurring drugs: aspirin and opiates. Aspirin uses a chemical found in willow bark , used by the ancient greeks to relive pain. Opiates all work in a similar way to opium , which is extracted from poppies.

b. Antibiotics
Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed medications in modern medicine. Antibiotics cure disease by killing or injuring becteira. The first antibiotic was penicillin,  discovered accidentally from a mold culture.  Today,  over 100 different antibiotics are available to cure minor,  as well life-threatning infection. Although antibiotics are useful in a wide variety of infection , it is important to realize that antibiotics only traet bacterial infections. Antagonistic are useless againt viral infection (for example , the common cold ) and fungal infections (such as ringworm). Your doctor can best determine if an antibiotic is right for your condition. 

C. Vaccines
A vaccine is any preparation intended to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the production of antibodies. Vaccines include,  for example,  suspensions of killed or attenuated microorganisms,  or products or derivatives of microorganisms. The most common method of administering vaccines is by injection, but some are given by mouth or nasal spray.

d. Sedatives
Sedatives are central nervous system (CNS) depressants , a category of drugs that slow normal brain function. There are various kinds of CNS depressants , most of which act on the brain by affecting the neurotransmitter gamma-amminobutyric acid (GABA). Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that conduct communication between brain cells. GABA works by decreasing brain activity. Although the different types of CNS depressants each work in their own way,  ultimately it is through their ability to increase GABA activity that they produce a relaxing effect that is beneficial to those suffering from anxiety or sleep disorders. 


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