
Antibiotics are the substance which are produced by one type of organism that adversely affects the other type of organism. Antibiotics are categorized as bactericidal if they kill the bacteria or bacteriostatic if they stop or inhibit the growth of bacteria.  In general,  the use or bactericidal antibiotics is preferred but many factors may also suit the use of a bacteriostatic antibiotic. When a bacteriostatic antibotic is used the duration of therapy must be sufficient to allow the body immune system to prepare proper defense against the invading bacteria. In case of virulent microorganisms or in case of weak immunity,  bactericidal antibiotics are preferred because they will omit the problem from its roots but they will affect the normal microorganisms in the body. In mild cases,  bacteriostatic antibiotics could be used because of their minor side effects. Antibiotics are also effective against fungal infections.  Amore general term "Anti infective" describes drugs that do the same to any type of organisms that could infect humans,  including; viruses,  parasites,  becteira or any other.  Antagonistics are among most often prescribed medications in modern medicine.  Antibiotics cure disease by killing or hurting bacteria.  The first antibiotic was penicillin accidentally discovered from a culture of mildew. Today , more 100 different antibiotics are available.

Categories of Antibiotics
Antibiotics can be categorized on the basis of chemical structure.  Antibiotics within a structural class will generally show similar patterns of effectiveness,  toxicity , and allergic potential.  Some of the major categories of antibiotics are as follows :

Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drugs,  and paved the way for the antibiotic revolution in medicine.  The original antibacterial sulfonamides (sometimes called sulfa drugs) are synthetic antimicrobial agents that contain the Sulfonamide group. They act as antimicrobial agents by inhibiting bacterial growth and activity. They are used in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infection , diabetes mellitus,  edema,  hypertension,  and gout.

2. Tetracycline
Tetracycline got their name because they share a chemical structure that has four rings. They are derived from a species of streptomyces becteira.  Tetracycline antibiotics are bacteriostatic agents that inhibit bacterial protein synthesis.  Tetracycline are used in the treatment of infections of the respiratory tract,  sinuses,  middle ear.  Urinary tract.  Skin , intestine.  These also are used to treat gonorrhea.

3. Cephalosporins
Cephalosporins are derived from Cephalosporin C which is produced from cephalosporium. Cephalosporins are used to treat pneumonia,  strep throat,  tonsillitis,  'bronchitis,  various types of skin infection. gonorrhea , urinary tract infections etc. Cephalosporins interfere with synthesis of the bacterial cell wall and so are bactericidal. 


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