Drug Addiction and Associated problems

Apart from the nagative physical effects of drug use there are psychological and emotional effects that are equally as devastating. One of the areas that is almost universally damaged is a person's view of oneself,  their self-esteem. Self-esteem virtually never rises when drug use is induced;  it almost always sinks lower and lower. As a person's self-esteem decreases through drug use,  the nagative feeling of worthlessness,  hopelessness , shame and guilt increase.

  Drug addicts : a menace for society
This is often due to the fact that a person realizes deep down that drug use is a destructive thing to be doing,  yet they do it anyway.  This sets up a contradiction between internal values and actual actions taken.
One of the most destructive things that drug use does is it interferes with a person's ability to from caring and honest: relationships. It also tends to destroy relationships that currently exits.  This is essentially due to the nature of drug addiction;  a person puts the need to use drugs above everything else including important relationships. A person can become less capable of making decision. One thing that drug use does is it "freezes" or immobilized as a person's decision-making capacity.  They become less assertive and have great difficulty expressing opinions or needs. Often a drug user will describe the effect to be "sinking into yourself.  The world around them feeds into meaninglessness. Many people view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a social problem.
Parents , teens,  older adults and other members of the community tend to characterize people who take drugs as morally weak or as having criminal tendencies. They believe that drug abusers and addicts should be able to stop taking drugs if they are willing to change their behavior. Drug abuse has led to a negative impact on the society.  It has led to increase in the crime rate. Drug abusers commit theft or robbery to snatch money to pay for drugs. Even they steal households and sell them to get money.
As they have very little inclination towards family,  they don't care the damage they are causing to their family. Apart from affecting the finacial stability,  addiction increases conflicts and causes untold emotional pain for every member of the family. With most drug users being in the productive age group of 18-35 years,  the loss in terms of human potential is incalculable.  The damage to the physical,  psychological, moral and intellectual growth of the youth is very high.


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