Uses of salts

Salts have many different uses,  ranging from household to big industries.  Many salts,  like sodium chloride , are necessary for life itself. Calcium phosphate is the  main ingredient of our bones. Some salts,  like calcium sulphate dihydrates (CaSO4. 2H2O) are used in building materials. Some of the most common salts and their uses are given below.

1. Sodium carbonate (na2 CO3) :  is also called as soda ash or washing soda. It is used as a cleaning agent in laundries and as water softner. It is also used as raw material in glass manufacturing. It also finds applications in paper industry,  petroleum refining industry and leather industry.

2. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate) NaHCO3 : is also called baking soda because it is used for baking cake and other confectionaries. It is used in medicine as antacid and also in tooth paste etc.

3. Copper sulphate (Cu SO4 5H2O) (blue vitriol): it is used for copper plating in electropalating process. It also used to kill algae in water reservoirs and in agriculture spray.

4. Magnesium sulphate (Mg SO4 7H2O) Epsom salt: it is used as antacid and laxative in medicine. It also used in dye industries.

5. Alum or potash alum K2SO4 Al2 (so4) 3 24H2O: it is used for water purification to remove suspended impurities from water by a process called as flocculation.  It is widely used in textile industry since it causes dyes to adhere to the fabric. In the field of medicine , it used as blood coagulant in small injuries.


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