Variations leads to Evolution
Without genetic, variation, there could be no evolution. Imagine that all individuals in a special had the exact same set of genes. Their offspring would all be the same, and would all have an equal chance of survival. It's the variations in genes, which are expressed as variations in traits that cause some individuals to thrive and others to fall prey to predators and other threats in their environment. Consider the finch, the bird that famously caught darwin's attention on his voyage to the Galapagos islands. Finches have different kinds of beaks, each one best suited for a particular task. Some beaks are best for cracking hard nuts, others for reaching into tight spaces, still others for eating small seeds.
The type of beak that an individual finch has will affect that finch's ability to survive in a given environment . If there is drought that kills the plant that produce small seeds, the finches with large, strong beaks that can crack hard nuts will do better than the finches whose beaks were
Natural selection: acts on observable traits such as the size strength and shape of the finches beaks. An individual's observable traits are called its phenotype, but it's an individual's DNA , its genotype, that determines what the phenotype will be.
Evolution of beaks in finches of Galapagos islands
If every individual had the exact same DNA, the only observable differences among individuals would be those caused by the environment alone. There wouldn't be any variation in inherited traits such as the finches's beak size. If all the finches had the same genes, they would all have the same type of beak.
Variation, competitions, survival of the fittest leads to Evolution
The type of beak that an individual finch has will affect that finch's ability to survive in a given environment . If there is drought that kills the plant that produce small seeds, the finches with large, strong beaks that can crack hard nuts will do better than the finches whose beaks were
best suited to eating the now scarce small seeds.
Natural selection: acts on observable traits such as the size strength and shape of the finches beaks. An individual's observable traits are called its phenotype, but it's an individual's DNA , its genotype, that determines what the phenotype will be.
Evolution of beaks in finches of Galapagos islands
If every individual had the exact same DNA, the only observable differences among individuals would be those caused by the environment alone. There wouldn't be any variation in inherited traits such as the finches's beak size. If all the finches had the same genes, they would all have the same type of beak.
Variation, competitions, survival of the fittest leads to Evolution
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