
The name vitamin was originally vitamine because the first one that was found was an amine,  hence the name vital amine or vitamine. Subsequent studies of other such substance showed taht they were not all amine. So,  the "e" was dropped.
Vitamins are organic compounds that can not be synthesized by an organsim but are very essential for the maintenance of normal metabolism and therfore must be included in the diet. The absence or deficiency of vitamins in diet results in various diseases.
Carbohydrates,  fats and proteins are the three major classes of foods. To remin healthy we must take in relatively large amount of these substances.  They are not however , the only nutrients we require.  Some of our needs are satisfied only by vitamins and minerals.

 Type of vitamins

Vitamin A :
Vitamin A may be obtained from green vegetables and fruits , fish liver oil,  eggs,  butter,  cheese etc.
Vitamin A is not found in plants as such. It is present in the from of pro vitamin scuch as B carotene. Vitamin A combines with a protein called opsin to produce a light absorbing compound called rhodopsine. Its deficiency causes night blindness which is inability of a person to see in dim light.

 Vitamin B : 
Vitamin B is not a single vitamin but consist of vitamin B1 B2 B3 B6 B12 etc.
Therefore it is called vitamin B complex. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency produces a disease called beriberi which results in loss of weight,  nervous disorder.  Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is present in milk,  meat,  fish,  eggs,  and leafy vegetables.  Its deficiency causes inflammation of lips,  dryness and burning of eyes.  Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for fats and protein metabolism. Its deficiency causes anemia.

Vitamin C :
Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic acid. Most of the animals can sythesize it but human being can not do so due to absence of enzyme.
The main source of vitamin C is citrus fruit as lemon,  orange,  strawberries but cereals contain no vitamin C. Its deficiency causes scurvy disease which is characterized by pain in joints and bleeding from gums.

 Vitamin D :
Vitamin D is also known as calciferol due to its role in calcium metabolism. The liver oils of fish,  milk,  vegetable and butter contain good amount of vitamin -D. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphate from intestine and deposits it in skeleton. Its deficiency produces disease called rackets.

 Vitamin E :
Vitamin E also called " Tocopherols" which means fertility.  The main sources of vitamin E are vegetable oil,  corn oil,  soyabean oil,  egg yolk,  etc. Vitamin E has also different types.  It is used as an antioxidant.  It has a major role in reproduction.  Its deficiency causes Anemia due to destruction of cell membrane of RBC by oxidation.

 Vitamin K :
Vitamin K is a factor related to blood clotting . It main sources are cabbage,  cauliflower,  spinach,  tomatoes,  cheese,  meat,  egg yolk. Some microorganisms synthesize vitamin k in intestine. The deficiency of vitamin k causes hemorrhage in which the blood fails to clott and thus increases the bleeding time.


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