
Showing posts from September, 2017

Important uses of drugs

a. Pain killers Pain relievers are medicines that reduce or relieve headaches , sore muscles , arthritis or any number of other aches and pains. There are many different pain medicines , and each one has advantages and risks. Some types of pain respond better to certain medicines than other. Each person may also have a slightly different response to a pain reliver. When part of your body is injured,  special nerve endings send pain messages back to your brain. Painkilling drugs interfere with these messages,  either at the site of the injury , in the spinal cord or in the brain itself. Many painkillers are based one of two naturally occurring drugs: aspirin and opiates. Aspirin uses a chemical found in willow bark , used by the ancient greeks to relive pain. Opiates all work in a similar way to opium , which is extracted from poppies. b. Antibiotics Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed medications in modern medicine. Antibiotics cure disease by killing or ...

Components of Ecosystem

An ecosystem consist of two major components namely , abiotic components and biotic components. Both these components are equally important for the proper functioning of the ecosystem. a. Abiotic components of Ecosystem The following are the major abiotic components of an ecosystem 1.Light    2. Water   3. Temperature  4. Atmosphere   5. Fire    6. Soil   7. Inorganic material    8. Gravity 1. light Light influences the growth and distribution of living organisms. Plants utilize sunlight during photosynthesis and prepare food. Light intensity, light quality,  light quantity and light duration affect life of animals and plants in one way or the other. For example the plant growing under insufficient light do not develop chlorophyll and they high intensity of light destroys chlorophyll.      Rainforests are home to rich biodiversity present on  2.water  Water is a vital component of life. Water...

The facts about the creation and the hollowness of the theory of Evolution

There is a wide spread unscientific theory in the western world that the organisms of today have evolved from previous ancestors . The theory was proposed by darwin and readily accepted by the west. They theory of evolution states the first unicellular organisms evolved by chance factors.  From unicellular organsms multicellular organsims evolved. And similarly during the course of evolution human beings have evolved from monkey.  And theory in science proposed should be supported by proofs and evidence.  If sufficient evidence based on experiments prove that theory is correct , then it is accepted as a scientific fact.      Western scientists have tried their level best searching and applying all possibilities to make a living cell, but they have failed to do so. With all the sophisticated instruments and modern technology and all possible efforts if the western scientists think tank cannot make a single living cell , then how one can believe that all the...

Variation and its sources

Individuals show great differences of from  size , colour,  habit and physiology among themselves. These differences are tremed as variations.  Variation can be defined as differences in traits of characteristics between individuals of the species.  No two individuals are like, not even identical twins. Variation are produced due to genetic properties and also sometime by exposure to certain types of environmental conditions.  Variation is necessary for naturl selection. Natural selection favors individuals with characteristics that are best adapted to their environment.  Variation is therefore necessary for species to become adapted to their environment and it enables them to change when the environment changes. Generally we can trace the variation to the following main sources.       Variation in dogs a. Genetic recombination If you study the process of sexual reproduction carefully then you will see that three random components of se...


with one of the world's highest population growth rate, Pakistan is facing great challenges to achieve goals of population planning. Atcurrent growth rate of about 2.8/ percent annually pakistan' s population will exceed 280 million by the 2020. Pakistan is a developing country and per capita income is under $1000 per year, and economy is growing slowly. Rapid population growth puts great pressure on agricultural land and hinders prospects from economic and social development.  Now our population is nearly 180 million. It means in coming years if our growth rate remains same we will run out of resources to meet the needs of people.  Even as standing now, our cities struggle to accommodate the growing sea of paople that lives in them, and we lack hospitals, school,  roads and even the supplies of water needed to meet the basic needs of our rural population. We need to accept the fact that population planning has become compelling need, which simply cannot be ignored or sh...


Photosynthesis: Respiration is opposite to photosynthesis in terms of raw materials, energy requirement and end products. Photosynthesis is a constructive process in which the plant absorb energy and gain weight. Co2 and H2o are the raw materials. It occurs only in green parts of the plant body. Photosynthesis depends on solar energy . It occurs only during the day time.

Gaseous Exchange

Gaseous exchange is the diffusion of gases from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This term is used for the exchange of oxygen (o2) and carbon dioxide (o2) between and organism and its environment. In animal, gaseous exchange takes place during respiration while in plant, gaseous exchange takes place during photosynthesis and respiration.